Recreation Committee
Recreation Committee Charge:
1. There will be a Recreation Committee consisting of no fewer than (5) nor more than seven (7) members who shall all be residents of the town of Pownal and appointed by the Select Board.
2. The term of office for a member shall be one (1) year.
3. The Committee will elect a Chairperson/ Secretary and a Vice Chairperson/ Secretary from its own membership and may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. Officers shall serve one-year terms and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
4. When there is a permanent vacancy, the Select Board shall, as soon as possible, appoint a person to serve for the unexpired term. The Select Board will advise the Chair of the potential candidate before appointing this new member.
5. The Chairperson shall call meetings of the committee which will meet monthly or as needed. A quorum of the Committee is necessary to conduct an official meeting and shall consist of 2/3 of the membership.
6. Agendas & Minutes of each meeting shall be submitted to the Town Clerk.
Recreation Committee Duties:
The duties of the Recreation committee shall be those specified below:
1. The Recreation Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Select Board.
2. The Recreation Committee shall:
a. Act as a review board for recreational activities proposed by the community, individuals or groups; and establish guidelines for this review process;
b. Encourage a wide diversity or recreational activities, facilities and services;
c. Evaluate sources of funding such as federal, state and private sources (i.e. donations, fees, grants) for recreational programs and facilities; any funding to be approved by the Select Board.
d. Consider/ prioritize requests for available funding for recreational programs and facilities;
e. Help identify and address the Town's recreational needs.
f. Track and recommend uses for Recreational and Open Space Impact Fees.
g. List and maintain inventory of existing recreational facilities both public and private within the boundaries of the Town. Create a brochure and post it on the Town website.
h. Encourage the establishment of recreational trails systems, as needed, with adequate public access, which will permit recreational uses for residents. This work will be done in conjunction with the Conservation Commission.
i. Annually report to the Town on committee activities.
j. Reach out and/or meet upon request to facilitate with organizations involved in providing recreational facilities and services to determine how they could coordinate efforts. These would include Recreation Committee. Bradbury Mountain State Park, snowmobile clubs, Royal River Conservation Trust, Pownal Scenic and Historical Society, RSU 5, mountain bike clubs, horse clubs, Maine Audubon Society; and any other appropriate committees and organizations.
k. Conduct periodic surveys of all age groups in Town to determine how citizens feel about the adequacy and quality of recreational programs and facilities; and adjust the committee's work to respond to this input.
l. All proposals brought before the Recreation Committee are subject to review and final approval by the Select Board.
Kathy Hogue, Co-Chair Term Ends: 2025
Heidi Richards, Co-Chair Term Ends: 2025
Coren Wheeler Term Ends: 2025
Ruth Hannan Term Ends: 2025
Ginifir Giddinge Term Ends: 2025
Select Board Liaison: Kate Day