Mallett Hall Building & Grounds Committee

Committee Charge: 



  1. The Mallett Hall Building & Grounds Committee will consist of no fewer than 5 no more than 7 members who shall all be residents of Pownal and who are appointed by the Select Board.
  2. The term of office shall be one year.
  3. The Committee will elect a Chairperson/Secretary from its own membership annually.
  4. The Chair will call meetings twice a year or as needed.  A quorum of the committee (2/3 of the membership) is necessary to conduct an official meeting.
  5. The Chair will submit agendas and approved minutes to the Town Administrator to be posted on the Town’s website.
  6. When there is a vacancy on the committee, the Select Board will advise the Chair of the potential candidate before appointing this new member.
  7. The committee’s charge will be reviewed annually.




  1. The committee will have oversight to changes and/or repairs made to the interior, exterior and grounds of Mallett Hall making sure that these are in line with the historical status of the building.
  2. The committee will inspect the interior, exterior and grounds of Mallett Hall to determine potential maintenance and/or upgrading projects during their bi-annual meetings.
  3. The committee will hold additional meetings as needed.
  4. The committee will communicate recommendations for any changes or upgrades to the Town Administrator and Select Board; and may help with: 
  • Choosing potential contractors to be used for major maintenance projects and coordination of that work.
  • scheduling maintenance projects with appropriate resources.
  • reviewing project/maintenance proposals. 5. 
5. The Town Administrator will be responsible for hiring contractors for specific work such as plumbing or electrical repairs/upgrades.
6.  The Chair will meet with the Town Administrator monthly to discuss any upgrades/repairs or future projects. 




  1. The committee will explore the idea of hiring an on-site maintenance/handyman person.
  2. The committee will work with the Town Administrator and/or Select Board to identify the growing space needs of the town office and will explore potential renovations of existing spaces to accommodate additional employees, storage issues, community center, etc.
  3. The committee may, at times, work with other committees to explore forward-thinking ideas for the future (i.e. Recreation Committee, Economic Development & Sustainability Committee, Capital Projects Planning Committee, Conservation Commission).


Kathy Hogue                                              Term Ends:  2025
Jan Pieter van Voorst van Beest                Term Ends:  2025
Marie Wendt                                               Term Ends:  2025
Robin Hodsdon Morin                                 Term Ends:  2025
Alice Kirkpatrick                                          Term Ends:  2025
Select Board Liaison:  Jon Morris