COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Virus
UPDATE 6/1/20
“Covid-19 - We are still learning how to fly the Covid-19 airplane and while some information remains the same, we are still learning how we can not only protect ourselves and our families but how we go on with life safely. Since information is changing all the time, I refer you to the Maine CDC website for up to date information. As former health care providers, Dr. Romanowsky and I want to remind you that medical care guidelines come from evidence-based information. That is: results from controlled studies and trials and shared information in the medical community about what works. The process can be sometimes slow but the goal is a safe treatment. Medicine is always revamping advice and of course, learns from failures - like everything in life. Up to date Maine information is available on this website-
TICKS: yes we have other health-related concerns. Pownal is an outdoorsy community with lots of fields and woods. I leave you with two Consumer Report sites to get information about effective repellent and yard controls. Lyme Disease is a potential and knows has age limits. Everyone should check their body (under clothes, scalp, etc) if not every time they come in from being outside(advised) but at least every evening at bedtime. “
- Diane Epstein, MSN, FNP
UPDATE: 4/30/20
Main Symptoms of the Covid-19 Virus
Fever(it may range from slightly elevated to the 103 range)
Shortness of Breath
Minor symptoms may include sore throat, achiness, fatigue.
Call your doctor if you develop symptoms AND have been in close contact with a person known to have Covid-19.
Your doctor will tell you if you need a Covid-19 test and where to get it.
You may not have Covid-19, you may have the flu or other respiratory illness. It is a good idea not to take any over the counter medicines (Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil/Motrin (ibuprofen), or other Flu Medicines until you get medical advice. If you have Covid-19 you will get advice on how to treat the symptoms. There is no anti-viral medicine that “cures” this virus. The symptoms are treated until the virus runs its course.
If the doctor’s office gives you an appointment because you are sick but you don’t know if you have Covid-19, wear a facemask before you enter the office. If you don’t have one, there will be a box of masks somewhere near the entering door. Put one on immediately.
If you have Covid-19, you will be instructed on how you and/or your family should isolate yourselves from others in order to prevent the spread.
Cover your coughs and sneezes - cover your mouth with a tissue or cough/sneeze into your elbow.
Clean your hands often - use hand sanitizer or soap and water wash for 20 seconds (remember that grocery carts and gas station pumps are “high touch” areas. If you don’t have hand sanitizer in the car, wash you hands as soon as possible).
Avoid touching your face.
Avoid sharing personal household items like dishes, drinking glasses, towels, bedding.
Clean “high touch” surfaces (remote control, phone, counters, table tops, door knobs. steering wheel of car, car keys, car door etc).
Maintain your personal space to about 6 feet. For the most part you should not be around other people. We are being asked to STAY HOME for the most part. The guidelines ask that you only go out for necessities like groceries, medications, dog/pet needs. Things like haircuts and new spring outfits are not a necessity. Try to grocery shop for a week at a time, not daily. Every exposure is a potential contact to either pass on the virus if you have it or get if you don’t.
About going outside. As stated above, you will need to go to the grocery store, or the pharmacy, or get gas for your car, etc. Getting out of your house and getting fresh air, sunshine and exercise is important. However, meeting friends outside socially or going places where there are more people (think playground, busy parks, etc) is NOT a good idea. A cough or sneeze is aerosolized droplets that don’t instantly disappear. They can be inhaled or land on a slide. Social distancing is helpful but for now, the stay home and away from people is the advice to stay well and to keep others safe.
Recipe for homemade hand sanitizer:
What you will need:
3/4 cup of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol (99 %)
1/4 cup of aloe vera gel- you can buy this or get it from a home plant. It is to help keep your hands smooth and to counteract the harshness of alcohol.
10 drops of essential oil such as lavender oil or you can use lemon juice.
Pour all ingredients into a bowl, ideally one with a pouring spout like a glass measuring container.
Mix with a spoon and then beat with a whisk to turn the sanitizer into a gel.
Pour the ingredients into an empty bottle for easy use, and label it "hand sanitizer".
Diane Epstein MSN, FNP & Eric Romanowsky MD
Town of Pownal Local Health Officers