
All town, state and federal elections take place at Mallett Hall, 429 Hallowell Road, Pownal, Maine.

 How do I register to vote?

Residents may register to vote at the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. On election day, you may register at the polls. Additionally, residents may register at the Motor Vehicle Department.

Bring a photo ID with you. If your photo ID does not list Pownal as your current address, also bring mail you have received at your Pownal address.

 How do I vote absentee?

An absentee voter is any registered voter who requests an absentee ballot prior to election day. The voter does not have to have a reason for voting by absentee ballot. A voter may cast his or her absentee ballot at Town Hall during normal working hours. Absentee ballots are available approximately 30 days prior to the election.

Telephone Request -- A voter may request a ballot by telephone for him/herself only. The clerk completes an application and verifies the voter's identity by confirming the voter's residence and date of birth. The clerk mails the ballot to the voter. No witnesses are needed, unless the voter is assisted. If assisted, the aide and one other person must sign as witness. The voter returns the ballot to the clerk by mail or in person.

Written request by the voter (received by mail, by fax or in person) -- A voter may request a ballot by completing an application form or a signed letter of request. The clerk mails the ballot to the voter at the address listed on the request. No witnesses are needed unless the voter is assisted. If assisted, the aide and one other person must sign as witness. The voter returns the ballot to the clerk by mail or in person.

Written request by the voter's immediate family member (received by mail, fax or in person) -- An immediate family member (spouse, parent, child, sister, brother, stepparent, stepchild, stepsister, stepbrother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, guardian or former guardian (relationship must be indicated on the application) of the voter may request a ballot on behalf of the voter. An application or written request must be completed by the immediate family member. The clerk mails the ballot to the voter at the address listed on the request, or releases the ballot to the immediate family member. No witnesses are needed unless the voter is assisted. If assisted, the aide and one other person must sign as witness. The voter or immediate family member returns the ballot by mail or in person to the clerk. If another immediate family member returns the ballot, the other immediate family member must also sign the application or written request indicating they returned the ballot. The family member must state his/her relationship to the voter.

Written request by the voter 3rd person designated (received by mail, fax or in person) -- Only the voter may request a ballot to be delivered by a third person. The voter must request a third person ballot by completing an application or written request.

Absentee ballot request via electronic service:
You must be registered to vote in Pownal before you request an absentee ballot using the State's electronic request site.
*Go to: http://www.maine.gov/cgi-bin/online/AbsenteeBallot/index.pl
*Choose Option 1
*Select - Pownal
*Select - Complete Online Form
*Complete the Electronic Request Form
*Submit request

Your electronic request will be printed in the clerk's office. The clerk will then mail your ballot(s) to you at the address you list as the mailing address on the form. Ballots will begin to be mailed approximately 30 days before the election.  Do not submit more than one request.

Accessible Absentee Voting --  As of October 2, 2020, the accessible absentee ballot is available as an option on the online absentee ballot request page. This page is activated to receive ballot requests 3 months prior to each election. The Department of the Secretary of State developed this new service in coordination with Maine’s online service provider, InforME, with input from advocates at Disability Rights Maine. It is intended for voters with print disabilities, which may include vision impairment or blindness, physical dexterity limitations, learning disabilities or cognitive impairment, all of which prevent the individual from independently marking a paper ballot. To vote an accessible absentee ballot click here.  

 Who should I contact with further questions?

For further questions please contact the Town Clerk at administrator@pownalmaine.org or (207) 688-4611.