Bradbury Mountain Arts Potluck Suppers
Bradbury Mountain Arts, 2025 Potluck Suppers!
We are currently in the process of scheduling speakers for BMA Potluck Suppers for February, March and April. We will announce these as soon as we have them scheduled.
The potlucks will be held at Mallett Hall in Pownal Center on the 3rd or 4th Friday of each month starting at 6.30 pm. They are currently scheduled on
- January 24,
- February 21 ,
- March 21,
- April 18th.
On January 24, Craig Dietrich will speak on: “Word as Art, Calligraphy in East Asia”
Supper starts at 6.30 pm, bring a dish of your choice or a desert! We hope to see you. For more info call me at 688-4744