RSU #5

Regional School Unit #5 serves the communities of Pownal, Freeport and Durham. 

The RSU #5 Board of Directors is represented by two Pownal members at three year staggered terms. 

To learn more visit the RSU #5 website, or call 207-865-0928.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors typically meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Freeport High School Library. Meetings are streamed live and recorded.  Visit the video archive for the complete library.

To e-mail all Board members:

If you would like to have Board Agendas and Minutes sent to you by e-mail please send an e-mail to 


Pownal Board Members

Beth Munsen          June 30, 2025     207-688-4618

Malik Farlow           June 30, 2026