Code Enforcement Office

The Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) is responsible for:
    • Building, Plumbing & Electrical Inspector
    • Administering and Enforcing all Land Use & Zoning Ordinances in Town
    • Ensuring Compliance with rules and regulations of the Town
    • Issuing all permits associated with construction projects
    • Providing research & support to the Planning Board
Zones, Conforming Lot Dimensions & Setback Requirements
Zone Minimum Lot Area Minimum Street Frontage Dwelling Minimum Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Max Lot Coverage
 V*  2.07 ac  300'  2.07 ac  40'  25'  25'  20%
 RA*  2.07 ac  300'  2.07 ac  40'  25'  25'  20%
 RB*  2.07 ac  300'  2.07 ac  40'  25'  25'  20%

*Additional dwelling units require 1.38 additional acres to make the total lot acreage for a single lot 3.45 acres for two dwellings per lot.